On 8/17/2010 3:47 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message<mailman.2212.1282012525.1673.python-l...@python.org>, AK wrote:

As monitors are getting bigger, is there a general change in opinion on
the 79 chars limit in source files?

WHAT 79-character limit in source files?

Only for stdlib. Python itself has no particular limit.

The dev discussed the issue perhaps a year ago. Enough people wanted or needed the current stdlib limit that they decided to stick with it.

A reason not mentioned much is that some people have trouble following packed lines that are too much longer. Wide-page textbooks routinely put text in two columns for easier reading. This is less of a factor with jagged edge text, but if the limit were increased to say 150, there would be people writing multi-line 150 char wide text blocks.

Terry Jan Reedy


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