Thanks for the update. I will/can keep you posted. I know for a fact we 
use a Squid proxy which sounds like what you are using. I am going to 
check out the faq you sent and see what it comes up with. I have also 
been perusing the net a bit and looking at other client packages and see 
if they work, such as cURL etc.



Bloke wrote:
> Andrew,
> It seems I'm not the only one going nuts here.  I have just spent the
> last 4 hrs stepping through the code in the debugger.  It seems to get
> stuck somewhere in the socket module (when it calls ssl) but haven't as
> yet figured out exactly where.
> I am _very_ interested to find that you have the same prob with a
> non-authenticating proxy.  I had considered I was doing something wrong
> with the authentication, but from what you say, and from what I have
> deduced from the code, it is not the authentication that is at fault.
> Like you, a standard browser works fine, so I'm inclined to think there
> is something buggy with the way the sockets module talks to the proxy.
> There has been some suggestion that it may me a 'Microsoftish' proxy
> which is at fault, but I believe it is a Squid proxy our company uses.
> There is an interesting note here (
>  setcion 11.34 )
> regarding malformed https requests sent through Squid with buggy
> clients.  It may be worth looking into.
> Anyway, if you have any luck, _please_ let me know - I'm getting
> desparate.

Andrew Bushnell
Lead Development Engineer
Fluent Inc.
10 Cavendish Court
Centerra Resource Park
Lebanon, NH  03766
Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
Fax: 603-643-1721

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