rantingrick wrote:
Hello folks,
Single line strings are exactly the same in both languages except in
Ruby double quoted strings are backslash interpreted and single quote
strings are basically raw. Except Ruby introduces more cruft (as
usual) in the form of what i call "lazy man" stings....
a = %w{ one two three}
["one", "two", "three"]
s = %{one two three}
one two three
repat = %r{one two three}
/one two three/
... only good for hand coding!
From Perl.
Multi Line Strings
Ha. Ruby does not really have multi line strings. Ruby has what they
call a "Here Doc". Besides picking the most boneheaded name for such
an object they also introduced and even more boneheaded syntax. To
define a "Here Doc" (god i hate that name!) you start with double
greater than ">>" and immediately follow with an identifier token of
you choice (it can be anything your dirty little mind can come up
this is the body
of a
here doc. Why the
hell did they not just
use triple quotes like Python did.
Now i will need to remember some token to know where'
i stopped
As you can see it is another example of tacked on functionality that
was not carefully considered before hand. Anyway here are the
Python: r'""".*?"""'
Python: r"'''.*?'''"
Ruby: r'<<(\w+).*?(\1)'
Also from Perl.
I don't know what the point of your post was. We already know that we
prefer Python; that's why we're here! :-)
And anyway, being nasty about other languages feels unPythonic to me...