On 8/6/2010 2:23 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message<i3fpos$p7...@news.eternal-september.org>, W. eWatson wrote:
I made a one character change to it and sent him the new py file. He can't
execute it.
What exactly was the problem?
I put a minus sign in front of a variable. I had him use the shell to
check his version numpy, which he just provided. version -- 1.4.0. As I
think I mentioned above, he's probably not using the same numpy version
that I use 1.2.0. Don't ask for an explanation of why I want him on
1.2.0. :-) I think that pretty much wraps up the problem. He needs to
get back to 1.2.0.
Presumably I have him somehow delete the numpy site-package, the numpy
1.2.0 package? Just drill his way dow from the .../lib/site_packages?
Then install 1.2.0. He's missed the boat on that before by not following