On 6/08/2010 4:26 AM, Nils wrote:
I am using a postinstall-script like this:
options = {
"bdist_wininst" : {
"install_script" : "install.py",
According to the docs in [1] this script is
a) called after install (with the "-install" parameter) - this works
fine for me...
b) called before uninstall (with tho "-remove" parameter) - this
however does not work.
According to a comment in pywin32's post-install script:
elif arg == "-remove":
# bdist_msi calls us before uninstall, so we can undo what we
# previously did. Sadly, bdist_wininst calls us *after*, so
# we can't do much at all.
So it seems possible your script is failing due to an import error as
your module has already been removed. Maybe a .msi would work better
for you.
btw: With that I am trying to register a com-server on install and de-
register on uninstall - so if other ideas are around I'd love to hear
them, too...
I'd suggest using py2exe to package the object and inno installer or
similar to handle the install and uninstall parts.