Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

> What you're going to run into are two major stumbling blocks.  One,
> Python's got no credibility with management types unless the
> credibility's already there.  "Python?  Never heard of it.  Tell me
> about it.  ...   Oh, it's interpreted, is it?  Interesting."

Nope, Sir, it's byte-compiled just like Java. But you don't have to
invoke the compiler yourself...

>  You can
> see Python going down the sewer pipes, right on their faces.  Two,
> security.  "This python sounds pretty interesting.  Tell me about the
> security.  How can we prevent people from stealing our source code,
> which we just spent millions developing?  ...  Hmm, trust the developers
> out there not to peek?  Oh, sure, let's use it."  

Just like Java, which is so easy to reverse-engineer...

> (True, there are ways
> around the second, but you're going to have to talk _very_ fast and have
> ALL the answers before the management type gets to his/her office and
> shuts the door in your face and on your idea.)


bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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