On 18 May 2005 17:30:58 -0700, "Lorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've been working on this code somewhat succesfully, however I'm unable
>to get it to iterate through all the zip files in the directory. As of
>now it only extracts the first one it finds. If anyone could lend some
>tips on how my iteration scheme should look, it would be hugely
>appreciated. Here is what I have so far:
>import zipfile, glob, os
>from os.path import isfile
>fname = filter(isfile, glob.glob('*.zip'))
>for fname in fname:

Here's your main problem. See replacement below.

>    zf =zipfile.ZipFile (fname, 'r')
>    for file in zf.namelist():
>        newFile = open ( file, "wb")
>        newFile.write (zf.read (file))
>        newFile.close() 
>    zf.close()

zipnames = filter(isfile, glob.glob('*.zip'))
for zipname in zipnames:
    zf =zipfile.ZipFile (zipname, 'r')
    for zfilename in zf.namelist(): # don't shadow the "file" builtin
        newFile = open ( zfilename, "wb")
        newFile.write (zf.read (zfilename))

Instead of filter, consider:

zipnames = [x for x in glob.glob('*.zip') if isfile(x)]


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