"Joe Goldthwaite" <j...@goldthwaites.com> wrote in message
Hi Steven,
I read through the article you referenced. I understand Unicode better
I wasn't completely ignorant of the subject. My confusion is more about
Python is handling Unicode than Unicode itself. I guess I'm fighting my
misconceptions. I do that a lot. It's hard for me to understand how
work when they don't function the way I *think* they should.
Here's the main source of my confusion. In my original sample, I had read
line in from the file and used the unicode function to create a
unicodestring object;
unicodestring = unicode(line, 'latin1')
What I thought this step would do is translate the line to an internal
Unicode representation.
The problem character \xe1 would have been
translated into a correct Unicode representation for the accented "a"
Which just so happens to be u'\xe1', which probably adds to your confusion
later :^) The first 256 Unicode code points map to latin1.
Next I tried to write the unicodestring object to a file thusly;
I would have expected the write function to request the byte string from
unicodestring object and simply write that byte string to a file. I
that at this point, I should have had a valid Unicode latin1 encoded file.
Instead get an error that the character \xe1 is invalid.
Incorrect. The unicodestring object doesn't save the original byte string,
so there is nothing to "request".
The fact that the \xe1 character is still in the unicodestring object
me it wasn't translated into whatever python uses for its internal Unicode
representation. Either that or the unicodestring object returns the
original string when it's asked for a byte stream representation.
Both incorrect. As I mentioned earlier, the first Unicode code points map
to latin1. It *was* translated to a Unicode code point whose value (but not
internal representation!) is the same as latin1.
Instead of just writing the unicodestring object, I had to do this;
This is exactly what you need to do...explicitly encode the Unicode string
into a byte string.
This is doing what I thought the other steps were doing. It's translating
the internal unicodestring byte representation to utf-8 and writing it
It still seems strange and I'm still not completely clear as to what is
going on at the byte stream level for each of these steps.
I'm surprised that by now no one has mentioned the codecs module. You
original stated you are using Python 2.4.4, which I looked up and does
support the codecs module.
import codecs
infile = codecs.open('ascii.csv,'r','latin1')
outfile = codecs.open('unicode.csv','w','utf-8')
for line in infile:
As you can see, codecs.open takes a parameter for the encoding of the file.
Lines read are automatically decoded into Unicode; Unicode lines written are
automatically encoded into a byte stream.