On 07/26/2010 11:52 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi
> I'm still kind of confused about the terminology on classes in python.
> Could you please let me know what the equivalent terms for the
> following C++ terms?
> constructor


This consists of the class constructor method, __new__, and of the
instance initialization method, __init__
In practice, __init__ is really "the constructor".

> destructor



> member function

Look for "instance method" below

> member variable

attribute, instance attribute, instance variable.

> virtual member function

all methods are virtual.

> function


> I think that C++ "function" is equivalent to python "function" and C++
> "member function" is equivalent to python "method". But I couldn't
> locate where the original definitions of the corresponding python
> terms in the manual as these term appear many times. Could you please
> point me where to look for the definition of these python
> corresponding terms?

http://docs.python.org/py3k/reference/datamodel.html should answer all
your questions.

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