On 7/25/2010 10:31 AM, News123 wrote:
On 07/25/2010 02:46 PM, Edward Diener wrote:
On 7/25/2010 6:07 AM, Gelonida wrote:
There the windows solution could be something like a small 'pystarter'
program, which would decide depending on the file's location / the
file's first line which python should be started.
This does not work when Python is invoked internally via a file
association. That was the point of my saying that the simple solutions
do not work.
I'm not sure I understand. The ida is of course, that the file
association would point to the pystarter and that pystarter would
depending on directory / first line of the script
identify the correct executable to be started with.
Perhaps you could once more explain, what your intended solution would be.
How does a 'pystarter' program know where the file's location is which
is being invoked ? As to the first file line this is completely
unrealistic. What are you going to do, alter the first file line of
every script in a Python distribution and every script in every library
installed in a Python distribution ? Sorry, but a less intrusive
solution is much better and much less of a headache to say the least.
My intended solution would be a simple program which understands where
each co-existing Python distribution is installed on a system and what
the "name" of that distribution is. Then you tell the program which
Python distribution should be the current one by its "name", the current
one meaning the distribution which you want to be invoked at any given
time. The program then changes the PATH so that any references to the
Python directory and its subdirectories point to the "name" Python
directory tree, and changes the file associations so that the "name"
Python executables handle the Python associations.
This does have the weakness that I can not use more than one Python
distribution while Python is executing scripts. But I can personally
live with that since I have never encountered a situation where I must
use more than one Python distribution at the same time.