In article <>, 
>I don't think it's accurate to say that [some] experts really "scorn"
>newbies, but I do agree that newbies are occasionally mistreated.  
>One thing newbies have to realize is that on Usenet you are quite
>likely to be talking to people who were there at the beginning and, of
>necessity, are largely self educated in whatever the subject matter
>might be.  Many - I'd even say most - are happy to clarify
>understanding and help with complicated problems, but there is a
>general expectation that newbies have some basic research skills and
>that they have tried to solve their problem before asking for help.
>Unfortunately, there is a small percentage of people who think Usenet
>and other online forums are for answering homework questions or for
>digging out of a jam at work.  Getting help depends a lot on how the
>question is asked: strident pleas for quick help or demands for an
>answer are immediate red flags, but so are questions that begin with
>"X is crap, why can't I do ..." and even seemingly polite questions
>that are vague or unfocused (possibly indicating little or no thought
>behind them) or posts which are directed to a large number of groups
>(such as this thread we're in now).  
>And, of course, in the language forums, drawing comparisons to
>non-subject languages is generally considered rude except when done to
>illustrate a relevant discussion point.  Introducing irrelevant
>comparisons, deliberately proselytizing X in a Y group or doing a lot
>of complaining about the subject language is bound to attract disdain.
>As the Internet has grown, the absolute number of people in that
>"small percentage" has grown as well.  A newbie can simply be unlucky
>enough to ask a question at the wrong time.  If there has been a
>recent rash of problem posts then experts may accidentally respond
>negatively to a legitimate question.
>Of course, there are cross-cultural issues too.  Many of the technical
>groups are English-language.  English, even when polite, can seem
>harsh and/or abrupt to non-native speakers.
>On the whole, moderated groups are more conducive to helping newbies
>because the moderator(s) filter obvious red flag posts.
>And, finally, newbies themselves should realize that experts are
>donating time to answer questions and do get frustrated answering the
>same questions over and over.  They should not be offended by "cold"
>responses that direct them to FAQs or that just give links to study
>material.  Newbies who need hand-holding or warm welcoming responses
>filled with detail should go find a tutor.
>> ... you have the bad "professors" who are freaks 
>>(probably they have a lot of problems at home, their wives 
>>screwing all the males on the block, daughters drug addicts etc) 
>>and want to take their hatred out on you,
>Unquestionably, there are experts who need their dosages adjusted. But
>the same can be said for some percentage of other users too.
>OTOH, newbies often aren't in the position to know who is an expert
>... obviously, anyone able to correctly answer their question knows
>more about that specific issue.  That doesn't necessarily qualify the
>responder as an "expert".  Some people get defensive at the edges of
>their comfort zones.
>Just some thoughts. YMMV.

Yes I agree, you expressed the thought better than I did. Then let's not go on 
with this thread any further and let the newsgroups carry on programming 
language support and discussions. Thanks


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