[Fix top posting]

On Jul 23, 12:07 pm, Steven D'Aprano<st...@remove-this-
cybersource.com.au>  wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:18:43 -0700, march wrote:
Hi, guys.

As a regular user of python, I am often annoyed by the fact that the
official python docementation is too short and too simple to satisfy my

Python is a volunteer effort. If the docs don't suit your requirements,
we're grateful for patches.

While working with socket, I want to know every detail about every API.
I can easilly achieve that by reading man page if the language is C. But
It seems that the Python story is different.

Python is open source. Where the documentation is silent, the ultimate
authority is the source code. Particularly if the code is a thin wrapper
around the C library, which I expect (but don't know for sure) the socket
code will be.

For the interface recv(), all I got is only three sentences. "
Receive data from the socket. The return value is a string representing
the data received. The maximum amount of data to be received at once is
specified by bufsize. "

What if the call fail?

You will get an exception, just like the page says:

     All errors raise exceptions. The normal exceptions for
     invalid argument types and out-of-memory conditions can be
     raised; errors related to socket or address semantics raise
     the error socket.error.

What if the peer close the socket?

You will get an exception, just like the Fine Manual says.

What is the
difference between blocking and non-blocking socket?

Python isn't a tutor for basic programming concepts like sockets. That's
what Google is for :)

But having said that, the documentation does explain the difference:

     In non-blocking mode, if a recv() call doesn’t find any data,
     or if a send() call can’t immediately dispose of the data,
     a error exception is raised; in blocking mode, the calls block
     until they can proceed.


How could I get the errno or exception?

You get the exception the same way you get *every* exception: by catching
it with a try...except block. If you don't know that, you need to learn
the basics and not blame the documentation.

Untested, but this probably will work:

except socket.error, e:
     if len(e.args) == 1:
         print "Error message is:", e.args[0]
         print "errno =", e.args[0]
         print "Error message is:", e.args[1]

All the answers are "No comment".

I hate this documentation!

Don't blame the documentation for your failure to read it. It's true that
it could be improved, but most of your questions were answered by the
page you linked to.


On 23/07/2010 06:24, march wrote:
> Steven, thank you for your reply.
> It is true that I didn't read the document with enough carefulness.
> some of my questions are answered in the page I post the link of. Some
> are not.
> But the documentation is poor. You need to read throughout the entire
> page, hoping to find what you need about one single API, and you might
> fail.
> I don't think "Python is a volunteer effort" can justify the poor
> documentation. Linux, glibc are based on  volunteer effort too, and
> they has good documentations.
> I am not blaming those volunteers who devote their precious time to
> this language. It will be good if the python communities get more
> people who like to write documentation.
> Anyway, thank you again.

I'll be on the Python issue tracker later today. I look forward to seeing your first of many contributions to the "poor" Python documentation. Pigs might fly? :)

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


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