Paul wrote:
>> Thomas Jollans, 15.07.2010 18:41:
>>> On 07/15/2010 01:00 PM, Paul wrote:
>>>> I'm pleased to announce the release of v0.1.8, a module
>>>> that correctly generates:
>>>> * the plural of singular nouns and verbs
>>>> * the singular of plural nouns
>>>> * ordinals
>>>> * indefinite articles
>>>> * present participles
>>>> * and converts numbers to words
>>> Which languages does it support? If the answer is what I expect it
>>> is,
>> It is. Most of the time, when people forget to say what they are
>> talking about, assuming that they are either US-Americans or Windows
>> users will hit the nail on the head.
>> Still, a pretty nice tool, I'd say.
>>> did you design the module with multilingualism in mind?
>> Just look at the code, it consists almost exclusively of long lists
>> of words. Multilingualism clearly wasn't a design goal.
>> Stefan
> The module is based upon a Perl module that has been around for about
> ten years. I did a line by line translation of the Perl code into
> Python, got that working and am now slowly redesigning the code. I am
> currently removing many of the regular expressions, which makes the
> code many times faster (and clearer, I think).
> The code alternates between applying rules and using lists of words.
> The author of the original Perl code, Damian Conway, wrote an academic
> paper on the approach taken.
> A future goal is to have this work in a way that is far more pluggable
> and so be applicable to other languages. But at the moment I'm happy
> to have got it working.
> I'm pretty sure that if Damian was writing this from scratch today he
> would design it differently. However, I had existing Perl code that
> worked, so I would rather start with that, get it working in Python
> and covered by tests. Then I can improve the design with the safety of
> test coverage.
> The Perl version is called Lingua::EN::Inflect, so was more explicit
> about being for English in its naming and there are other Perl
> Lingua::XX::Inflects for other languages. But my lack of mentioning
> English in the announcement was an oversight. Both the Perl author and
> I are Australian, and so the modules support British English over
> American English where necessary, with the Oxford English Dictionary
> as our guide.
Could I suggest that you also change the method names to something