I'm conducting some research about CMS systems and I have limited the
choices to several that fit my needs. Many of them have live demos, so
I can try and see, but I didn't find such for Plone. Is there one? I
also didn't see one very important feature - personalization.

I'm not sure if I am using the correct term but I my company we call
personalization the ability of the site to show different content
depending to the user who has logged in or, told in other words -
content element level security. Does Plone support this? I want to be
able to create a menu item that is visible only for specific users (or
roles) and the same for the content elements. Can you think of some
other alias for this feature that is mentioned on
http://www.cmsmatrix.org/matrix?func=viewDetail&wid=2&listingId=1002 so
I can check for other CMSs whether they support it.

Thanks all.

And a final question - does anyone have any idea is the integration of
live video streams in Plone (or maybe another CMS) hard to achieve? Sth
like this http://lieblinx.net.au/Media/Streaming


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