I can second the stated opinion that Python per se is stable enough.
We deliver production systems running 24/7 with uptimes counted in
several months
and from what I can see, compared to the OP's app, ours is vastly more

The only Python-related issue we have encountered so far, wrt to
stability, is how
timers are working. Extensive creation of timer threads have locked up
after some
indeterminable time. We found that the issue was probably related to
some update in
Windows at the time.
We do not know whether this issue is resolved (we encountered it back
in Python 1.4)
and we rewrote our code to use timers differently.

I also second that partitioning the solution in working (server) parts
and GUI (client)
parts is important.

I do not second the generally outspoken distrust in Windows. Indeed, I
would prefer *nix/*nux
but in our case, stability concerns is not one of the issues behind

We use threading to a certain extent (in addition to partioning into
processes). One approach we have,
and have shown very useful to gain stability, is to use Exception
handling carefully and extensively.
We catch *every* exception, report and counteract but do not allow the
process/thread to die.
This is not a trival approach, by no means, but when one know the app
sufficiently, it can be applied
with good results.

Just my 2 c


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