Xah Lee wrote:
• Death of Newsgroups
plain text version follows.
Death of Newsgroups
Xah Lee, 2010-07-13
Microsoft is closing down their newsgroups. See:
I use comp.lang.lisp, comp.emacs since about 1999. Have been using
them pretty much on a weekly basis in the past 10 years. Starting
about 2007, the traffic has been increasingly filled with spam, and
the posters are always just the 20 or 30 known faces. I think perhaps
maybe no more than 100 different posters a year. Since this year or
last year, they are some 95% spam.
Forest. Trees. Please note order.
Case in point: twelve weeks ago His Timness mentioned this on
Now we have this, a port of a desktop app to the web:
It happened fast because http://qooxdoo.org/lets me program the Web
without bothering with HTML and CSS and browser variation as if I were
using a framework like GTk.
I learned about qooxdoo... on comp.lang.lisp.
The moral? If you look for the spam, you'll find it.
"The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself."