> It seems, that wsgiref.simple_server.make_server can only create an > http server. > > What I wondered would be how to easiest create an https server, that > supports wsgi modules
PythonPaste has a WSGI server that supports https http://pythonpaste.org/modules/httpserver.html#module-paste.httpserver Werkzeug too http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/documentation/0.6.2/serving.html#ssl I'd strongly suggest you to have both of those libraries installed, they have a lot of WSGI goodies :) -- дамјан ((( http://damjan.softver.org.mk/ ))) Scarlett Johansson: You always see the glass half-empty. Woody Allen: No. I see the glass half-full... but of poison. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list