Michael Hoffman wrote:
> Why aren't you using NamedTemporaryFile instead? Using mkstemp adds a

> lot of complications that are usually unnecessary.

I believe I originally used mktemp(), but forgot how I learned that I
should use mkstemp() instead. I originally wrote the script over 1.5
years ago. =)
I may have been afraid of the "deleted when closed" at the time, but
now that really isn't an issue.

> > I will try to explicitly call a close() or whatever the syntax is
> > finalize the object to deletion by garbage collection.
> Files created with mkstemp are neither closed nor deleted when they
> finalized. I don't see how GC comes into it either.

Ah, that may explain it. Python.org did not say that mkstemp() is
outside of close or gc. I tried to both close and call gc at various
intervals, but, obviously, neither affected the running of the script.

Thanks alot, I think this will help. 



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