On 7/6/2010 11:19 AM, Giampaolo RodolĂ wrote:
2010/7/6 David Cournapeau<courn...@gmail.com>:
Or is there no change at the C level? That would make things easy.
There are quite a few, but outside of the big pain point of
strings/byte/unicode which is present at python level as well, a lot
of the issues are not so big (and even simpler to deal with). For
example, although numpy took time to port (and is still experimental
in nature), it took me a couple of hours to get a basic scipy working
(numpy uses a lot of C api dark corners, whereas scipy is much more
straightforward in its usage of the C API).
As for this aspect, I made a port as such (C extension) for psutil,
and it hasn't been too difficult, I must admit.
For those interested here is a detailed explanation of all the steps I
faced, along with revision changes:
That post refers to
docs.python.org / dev/3.0/howto/cporting.html
[without added space] but that is currently 404 missing.
Terry Jan Reedy