Michele Simionato wrote:

> Ron Adam:
>>Sound great!  Adding a command line parser, I'm going to add a brief

That part should have been deleted, I meant your whole program sounded 
good, not just that part. :-)

>>command line parser to it today, but nothing as elaborate as you have
>>already.  Could you post a part of the output as an example?  How is
> the
>>index built?
> For the command line parser, see
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/278844

I got this one covered, just haven't done it yet. ;-)

> Here is an example of output:
> http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/~micheles/python/ms.html
> (it is a package called "ms" (as "My Stuff") where I put my utilities).

Good idea, I think I'll follow your lead. Currently my file are not too 

> The system works for module of the standard library too, but since
> most of the time they do not have docstrings in reST format, there
> are ugly formatting errors. But this is a bug of the standard library,
> not of my tool ;)

Thats part of what I'm trying to resolve, the doc strings a lot of time 
isn't enough by itself or is missing. So I'm trying to build up a 
complete enough record so if there is no doc string, at least some sense 
of what it is can be figured out without a lot browsing or looking at 
the source code.

Then to enable different searches by subject and keywords on these 
instead of by package or module.

> For the index: "minidoc" associates a footnote number to every name,
> and then
> prints the names in alphabetical order. You can reach the documentation
> for that name with a click.
>                Michele Simionato

That's a nice format.  It took me a while before I realized the whole 
page *is* the output and not a part of it as I expected.

Did you use the inspect module to get the class/function name and args?

BTW, I presume you're aware that the "source links" on the web page link 
to your computer and not to a file on the web site.  Just letting know 
in case it was an over site.


Ps... I like your physics link page. :)


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