JIM W. DEAN: FAKED ISRAELI FLOTILLA VIDEOS PROVIDE OPENING TO EXPOSE ISRAELI EXPIONAGE HERE June 16, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff =B7 20 Comments Share Faked Israeli Flotilla videos provide opening to expose Israeli Espionage here By Jim W. Dean for Veterans Today Dear Friends, The Zionists shot themselves in both feet with this rushed spin job to deflect attention on their slaughter of the Gaza Flotilla activists. We can thank the retired Intel folks for the frame analysis exposing the fraud on the Veterans Today link above. Fortunately more and more retired Intel and security people are getting into the life or death struggle defending the country from our =91domestic enemies=92. These Photo shopped videos were done so poorly as to be almost comical if they were not done to cover up murders. You will have to watch the video several times to really visually catch their mistakes. Don=92t be afraid to use the pause button to study the images. The ending scenes on the fantail immediately struck me as a studio shoot. The lighting was way to bright for a ship in that situation. The actors=85well=85they did a really poor job. In the real videos you see more confusion=85the clothes are not right. If was a completely staged event, even down to the tiny slingshot one guy raises up so it can be noticed. Also, the camera is stationary (on a tripod)=85a huge mistake. YouTube - Veterans Today - That the radical Zionists would lie, cheat or steal to gain some benefit for themselves is not even a news event. Our own American declassified intelligence lays this all out in spades. The best one book read on it is Steven Green=92s Taking Sides, if you can find a used one online. The real news here is how such an obvious fraud was pipelined into American mass media. Any experienced news video editor would have spotted the obvious fraud on these tapes. But they pushed it right out onto unsuspecting Americans who wrongly think that mass media would not pedal something they know to be totally bogus. And how wrong they are. But it gets worse. Our Intel and security agencies always do frame by frame analysis of important video material like this. They also had to have spotted this=85yet they did not warn the American people that this was a fraud. Why not? The answer is that Israel espionage has penetrated American government, media, politics, and even our security institutions to the point that the Zios have no fear of those responsible for our national security protecting us from the Israeli 5th column operating here. They are protected by powerful interests. The military, veteran and intelligence communities are really the only American institutions who can take the lead on tearing the Israeli espionage networks out by the roots. All the other institutions are already compromised. And they will fight like hell as they know that the 5th column could not have been as effective as they have been without more than a few disloyal Americans helping them, many who are well known names. They will do anything to protect themselves from exposure=85anything=85and they have. The USS Liberty is just one example, where dead and wounded servicemen were literally abandoned on the battlefield so as to not reveal to the American public that they were murdered by the Israelis. You might remember that the last whistleblower reform legislation was slapped down a while back. The Congresscritters know what a threat that is. So do the Israelis. We have loyal Intel people who know that the Israelis have been given key Homeland Security contracts that actually have the American taxpayer funding their espionage operations. Oh yes, the Israelis make us pay for it=85smart folks they. Michael Chertoff flew to Israel a few years back to put on a =91fast track=92 seminar for Israeli security companies (staffed by Mussed and military Intel people) to make sure they can the key contracts that they wanted, like airport security and communications plums. This is a huge national scandal, and one that a Congressional investigation would not put a dent into as those folks have sold us out to the Israelis in return for political support. John McCain is one of the worst examples, but he has lots of company. I listened to General Russel Honore give a great Memorial Day speech in Atlanta recently. It was short and sweet in his normal style. =93We were born by accident, based on where our parents were. To live free is a privilege. But to die free is an obligation that we leave to each generation.=94 Folks, If we don=92t join hands and root out this the Israeli 5th column here we will be breaking the chain, and it is getting late in the day. Their numbers are small, so they have put the fix it at the top, political espionage. But we have the numbers to beat them. They have just not been brought to bear due to their divide and conquer, smoke and mirrors tactics. Our political establishment is more afraid of the Israel Lobby than they are of us. We must reverse that situation or we will have betrayed the next generation. So let=92s roll up our sleeves, and get on with the work. First up is going to go see your Congresscritters with a small group of vets/Intel people and go through this video with them step by step, and demand to know why our people did nothing to expose the fraud, including Obama possibly even having been sand bagged on it. Did Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod know? Did Hillary, Defense and the CIA? Why no official exposure by those sworn to protect us. And ask them what they have done to combat Israeli espionage here? You will enjoy the look on their faces. I promise you that. Jim Dean Heritage TV=85Atlanta Assoc. for Intelligence Officers On Jul 4, 6:05=A0pm, (Kenny McCormack) wrote: > In article <ce90c123-8502-438d-b885-5f042ec21...@z8g2000yqz.googlegroups.= com>, > small Pox =A0<> wrote: > > >VICIOUS Enemy Insurgents kill 34 US soldiers after 9 hrs attack - > >Bellies ripped open and numerous injured - call for TRUE PATRIOTS . > >The deep undercover spies agents of influence mislead the public on > >the facts > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Your C question was? JIM W. DEAN: FAKED ISRAELI FLOTILLA VIDEOS PROVIDE OPENING TO EXPOSE ISRAELI EXPIONAGE HERE --