On 06/30/2010 01:50 PM, Stephen Hansen wrote:
On 6/30/10 11:39 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:
if len ( Result )>  1 :

But to prevent exceptions, i've to write ( I often forget)
if Result and ( len ( Result )>  1 ) :

Just do:

     if Result:

You don't have to do a length check>  1; because if Result has a length
of 0, it'll be false too. So the above check will catch both None, and
empty sequences.

Not to counter the rest of your comment below (which is right on), the OP asked about "> 1", not "> 0" for which "if Result" would work...one character vs. more than one character (your test would be 0 vs more-than-0)

So I wonder why len is not allowed on None
and if there are objections to extend the len function .

Len is not allowed on None, becaues None is not a sequence, and doesn't
have a length. None, *very* much on purpose, is distinct and does not
behave like anything else. It's the "I'm not anything" object.



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