Am Tue, 17 May 2005 05:26:15 -0700 schrieb Tonino:

> Hi ALL,
> I am having a issue with a particular storage of data problem and
> wanted to know if I am going about it the wrong way.
> I have a list of reference numbers associated with a product and I have
> a socket that listens on a port.  Now what happens is the client app
> connects to the server - sends the product and the associated ref
> numbers (there are a few per product). I need to be able to store these
> in a data  structure so that when the same product is called again  -
> it can display the ref numbers for that product.

The smallest database is the filesystem. Create a directory for every
product. Store the references in a file in this directory.

>     for a in Detail:
> RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

I did not see any dict in your code, but this message means, that you
can't change the dictionary in the loop. Maybe this helps:

for a, b in list(mydict.items()):


Thomas Güttler,


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