On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 19:58:13 +0200, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
<pointede...@web.de> wrote:

>UltimatePatriot crossposted twice over 4 off-topic newsgroups without 
>Followup-To, replying to an obvious troll:

  Whoopie fucking doo, you fucking netkkkop wanna be Usenet PUTZ!

   Your kill file edit announcement post is only about three orders of
magnitude more retarded than anything I ever replied to.  The sad thing
is that you are so goddamned stupid that it is referred to as "hard wired
stupid", and there is no hope that you would ever get a clue about the
bigger picture.

  Whine all you want, pussy boy.

>One good thing about Usenet is that you don't have to look for people you 
>can safely put into your killfile;

  You're pretty funny, kkkkopper.

> they'll agglomerate automatically.

  Did mommy help you learn that 'big word' so you could toss it out at
the world to make it appear that you actually have a clue as to what is
going on?

>F'up2 set accordingly

  More retarded behavior, but not nearly as bad as the announcement post
I respond to here. You are a sad case, netkkkop boy.  Pointed ears.

  HA!  You are about as logical as a freshly laid turd.

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