On 06/28/2010 10:26 AM, Stéphane Klein wrote:
> Hi,
> I write to you, to inform I can't install python-openid 2.2.3 version.
> I've writed to the author :
> """
> I've work on a project, I use AuthKit and this tool have a dependency
> with python-openid-2.2.3
> http://openidenabled.com/files/python-openid/packages/python-openid-2.2.3.tar.gz
> this file is missing on your server.
> To fix deployment issue, can you keep older library version ?
> """

Use the link *you* posted. It will redirect you to an index page. Click
"Python -- downloads".


Now was that really that difficult?

- Thomas

PS: okay, that doesn't include version 2.2.3. However, I expect that
2.2.5 will work just as well for you, and I am *certain* that 2.2.4 will
work: I checked the github commit logs and discovered that
is the only change between the two versions -- it looks like version
2.2.3 never worked in the first place.

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