Stephen Hansen wrote:
On 6/22/10 10:39 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 15:55:51 -0700, Stephen Hansen
<me+list/> declaimed the following in
I second Forth. Learning and using that was -- slightly painful, but
Just pick up any advanced HP programmable calculator... RPL is a
close substitute <G>
That's just a start. The reverse and stack-oriented nature of the
language makes you have to start thinking in an interesting way, and
sure, a RPL/stack-calculator can get that for you.
But then going on and doing real programming with it, making your own
words (functions), ... its fun.
And two places where it differs from nearly every other language: when
you define your own flow-control enhancements to the language (e.g.
WHILE is not a keyword, it's merely a function), and when you finally
understand dodoes (that's "Do Does").