Hello Python Community. I'm pleased to announce pyxser-1.4.4r, a python extension which contains functions to serialize and deserialize Python Objects into XML. It is a model based serializer. Here is the ChangeLog entry for this release:
---8<--- 1.4.4r (2010.02.10): Daniel Molina Wegener <d...@coder.cl> * src/include/pyxser_collections.h - added set handling function prototypes. Added support for unicode key names, which are converted to the user settings encoding (ie utf-8) inside the XML output. * src/pyxser_serializer.c - removed memory leak. Addded support for unicode object names in dictionary/list types. * src/pyxser_collections.c - added set handling function prototypes. added name property handling algorithm, so non string name properties are not serialized. I shall extend it to other modules. * src/pyxser_tools.c - added set handling prototypes and set type checking function. * test-utf8-leak.py - added serialization of SQL Alchemy objects, so we can test more complex Python objects serialization. * test-utf8-sqlalchemy.py - added sql alchemy object serialization test. * src/pyxser_serializer.c - reduced serialization algorithms, replacing deep nested if statements by flatten ones. * src/pyxser_collections.c - reduced serialization algorithms replacing deep nested if statements by flatten ones. * src/pyxser_typem.c - reduced serialization algorithms, replacing deep nested if statements by flatten ones. Thanks to pyxser users for their feedback. ---8<--- This release contains some bug fixes, mainly related to type checking and type handling. I hope this small extension will help you on your programming tasks. The project is hosted at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxser/ The web page for the project is located at: http://coder.cl/products/pyxser/ PyPi entry is: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyxser/1.4.4r For a sample article on how to integrate pyxser with ZSI WebServices: http://coder.cl/2009/10/18/pyxser-and-zsi-webservices/ Thanks and best regards, -- Daniel Molina Wegener <dmw [at] coder [dot] cl> Software Architect, System Programmer & Web Developer Phone: +56 (2) 979-0277 | Blog: http://coder.cl/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list