Vineet wrote: > Hi ! > I am using python ver 2.6.5 > Trying to use shelve to save an object on the disc. > ================================= > In the code---- > # There are 'Person' & 'Manager' classes. > # I created instance objects a,b,c from these classes. > > from person import Person, Manager > a = Person('A A') > b = Person('B B', job = 'clerk', pay=5000) > c = Manager('C C', 15000) > > # instance objects a,b,c were created correctly. > # then I store them on a shelve > > import shelve > dbs ='mydb') > for x in (a, b, c): > dbs[] = x > dbs.close() > > # On the disc, I can see the 3 files viz. mydb.dat, mydb.bak, mydb.dir > # dbs.keys() is also giving me the correct list of keys. > ================================== > # NOW THE PROBLEM AREA --- > # when I try to fetch an object by key--- > > a = dbs['A A'] > > # I get an error as-- > # File "F:\Py26\lib\", line 122, in __getitem__ > # value = Unpickler(f).load() > # ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3 > ============================= > I couldn't locate the bug in this. > Can anybody pl. point out? > > ---Thanks, > Vineet.
Have you saved the data using Python 3? Try loading it using Python 3, too. You can also try explicitly specifying a protocol understood by both Python 2 and 3, but I expect that you'll run into other incompatibilities. Peter --