On 16 May 2005 10:15:22 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Python's InteractiveInterpreter uses the built-in compile function.
>> According to the ref. manual, it doesn't seem to concern about the
>> encoding of the source string.
>> When I hand in an unicode object, it is encoded in utf-8
>> It can be a problem when I'm building an interactive environment
>> "compile", with a different encoding from utf-8.

I don't understand this. Suppose your "different encoding" is cp125x
(where x is a digit). Would you not do something like this?

compile_input = user_input.decode('cp125x')
code_object = compile(compile_input, ......

>> IDLE itself has the
>> same problem. ( '<a string with non-ascii-encoding>' is treated okay
>> but u'<a string with non-ascii-encoding>' is treated wrong.)
>> Any suggestions or any plans in future python versions?
>I've read a posting from Martin Von Loewis mentioning trying to build
>in that feature(optionally marking encoding when calling "compile").
>Anyone knows how it is going on?

Firstly, it would help those who might be trying to help you if you
could post a simple example: input, output, what error message, what
you mean by 'is treated wrong' ... and when it comes to Unicode
objects (indeed any text), show us repr(text) -- "what you see is
often not what others see and often not what you've actually got".

Secondly, are any of the contents of PEP 263 of any use to you?


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