Chris Seberino wrote:
> I tried to use subprocess.Popen to make my web app do a bunch of stuff
> in separate processes today.  It appeared like only the first one
> finished and/or the rest of the forked processes crashed.
First thing to do would be to show us a little code and to look for the
exit codes of your subprocess calls.

Of course sub processes may crash of your os is running out of resources
( num of preocess, num of file handles, memory. . . . )

Not knowing your code and your OS it might also be, that you try to
acccess a shared system resource, which can only be use once,

Hard to say with that little info.

you could also try to add logging your subprocessesor to log their
stdout / stderr.

> I only have around 300Mb.  Is it possible that my subprocess.Popen
> code was swapping to disk so much that most of the Popen processes
> just crashed?
> Are there any tools to monitor how much memory I should upgrade to and/
> or what else would cause a subprocess.Popen symphony have problems?
> Sincerely,
> Chris

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