On 06/15/2010 12:06 AM, Craig Yoshioka wrote:
> I'm trying to write a class factory to create new classes dynamically at 
> runtime from simple 'definition' files that happen to be written in python as 
> well.  I'm using a class factory since I couldn't find a way to use 
> properties with dynamically generated instances, for example:
> I would prefer this, but it doesn't work:
> class Status(object):
>       pass
> def makeStatus(object):
>       def __init__(self,definitions):
>               for key,function in definitions:
>                       setattr(self,key,property(function))
> this works (and it's fine by me):
> def makeStatus(definitions):
>       class Status(object):
>               pass
>       for key,function in definitions:
>               setattr(Status,key,property(function))
>       return Status()
> but I would also like the functions to only be evaluated when necessary since 
> some may be costly, so I want to do the following:
> def makeStatus(definitions):
>       class Status(object):
>               pass
>       for key,function,data in definitions:
>               setattr(Status,key,property(lambda x: function(data)))
>       return Status()
> but all my properties now act as if they were invoked with the same data even 
> though each one should have been a new lambda function with it's own 
> associated data.  It seems Python is 'optimizing'?  all the lambdas to the 
> same object even though that's clearly not what I want to do.  Anyone have 
> any suggestions as to:
> 1) why

(I'm not 100% sure about this)
I think that when Python encounters "function(data)" while executing any
one of the lambdas, looks in the scope of the factory function, and uses
the last value data had there - which has since changed. This old trick
might help: (if it doesn't, my analysis was wrong)

> 2) what I should do

setattr(Status, key, property(lambda x, d=data: function(d)))

> 3) a better way in which to implement this pattern

how about this:

class Status(object):
    def __init__(self, definitions):
        """definitions must be a { key: function, ... } mapping"""
        self.functions = definitions
        self.cache = {}

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name in self.cache:
            return self.cache[name]
        elif name in self.functions:
            self.cache[name] = self.functions[name]()
            return self.cache[name]
            return super(Status, self).__getattribute__(name)

This doesn't use properties (why should it?) and proposes a different
format for the definitions: a dict instead of a sequence of tuples.
dict([(a,b), (c,d)]) == {a: b, c: d}, of course, so that's no problem.

Have fun,


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