lkcl wrote:

>  * in neither gtk nor qt does there exist an "auto-layout" widget
> that's equivalent to putting some <span /> DOM objects into a <div />,
> to "flow" widgets that wrap around.  yes, you can put words into a
> Label and get them to flow, but not _widgets_.

I'm pretty sure in PyQt4 that you can derive your own layout class from 
QLayout to get what you want. No C++ is required. You can easily extend PyQt 
without using C++.

There is even an example in the PyQt examples which does something similar 
to what you want: see examples/layouts/

Personally I find the Qt layout to be much better than anything provided by 
CSS and HTML. Personally I'd rather be writing complex C++ templates that 
those, though it does give you a feeling of achievement when you get what 
you want with CSS.


Jeremy Sanders

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