Victor Subervi wrote:
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Stephen Hansen

Sure, if you have some file that two separate scripts import, and in
said file you generate some value-- as long as that value will be the
same at all times, it'll appear that the two scripts are sharing some
state. They are not, however. The two scripts can not communicate.

I'm glad you have lots of experience and I respect that. However, I did not
say that "two separate scripts import said file." To repeat:

1) variable value generated is<>
<>via a <form...> and
passes the value of the var thereunto.
3) theoretically! Yet for some reason I can't call it in
<>but *can* call it in a
script that is imported by <>

I think I'm being clear here, am I not? With all your knowledge and
understanding, I still fail to understand how it is you don't understand and
cannot answer my question.

You could try actually stating something approaching what your code is doing.

"variable value generated is"   So you're generating that 
source code, and storing it in some variable called "value"?

"calls"   You say you're calling

but that's not a function, it's a source file. You can't call a source file.

And "passes the value of the var therunto" is mighty roundabout. Assuming you meant "import" in the last part, how are you passing the value? Import doesn't take any parameters.

"script that is imported by". Nitpick: a script cannot be imported. Once it is, it's a module.

"for some reason I can't call it in" No idea what "it" refers to, is it some mythical script that you're still trying to call?

Your problem could be circular imports. If one module imports another, which directly or indirectly imports the first, you can get into various trouble. If somebody imports the *script* you're definitely hosed, since there will then be two instances of that one, the script, and the module.

Maybe it's all clear if one looks at those files, but from here the links seem broken. So I'm just going by your message, which is confusing. I suggest you construct a simple example to show the problem, one small enough to include here in its entirety. Then describe it in proper Python terminology.



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