On 09/06/2010 13:06, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
the idea is to switch between using tabs and spaces depending on the
original source. If the input is all spaces we switch to tabs
internally and then convert on output. If it was tabbed we keep that,
if mixed I think it keeps that. This works for me as I often work with
long latency connections and prefer tabs to spaces.
Thanks, this is no exactly what I needed, but from your code I managed
to write something that suits me.
It basically counts the occurrence of tabs and 4-spaces at the beginning
of lines, and use the greatest number as criterion for setting tab or
space mode
Something usefull is to get also the current mode in the status bar.
Because of my poor knowledge of the vim scripting language I sometimes
had to switch to python, but I guess it won't bother anyone in this list :)
set statusline=%t\ %y\ format:\ %{&ff};\ %{Statusline_expandtab()}\ [%c,%l]
function! Statusline_expandtab()
I'm not exactly an expert at vim programming either :(
nice idea to show the mode in the status.
Robin Becker