On 6/9/10 1:12 AM, rantingrick wrote:
On Jun 8, 10:09 pm, Robert Kern<robert.k...@gmail.com>  wrote:

It means that he, very charitably, gives new irritants the benefit of the doubt.
By changing identities, you are abusing this good behavior. By connecting your
identity to the previous one, his doubt is removed.

And again you miss the very meat and potatoes of my post. Sadly like
Ben you're so blinded by animosity that you cannot see. He kill-filed
me because he is so vehemently against me on a personal level.

You can read minds?

So much
against me that even the sight of the very words i write send him into
fits of uncontrollable rage.

And clairvoyance! Such wonders!

This must be the case or why would he
need to hide his eyes completely from my words. Could he not just
exercise a bit of self restraint and skip my posts if they start to
annoy too much?

Yes, he is. He happens to be using a technological aid in order to do so efficiently. You misunderstand the purpose of a kill-file.

Apparently not. He is unable to control his actions so
he must go to the extreme of kill-file.

But you know i think it boils down to fear really. He is comfortable
in his life and wishes to keep it as cookie cutter as he can. Any
outside influence must be quashed before these meddling forces can
take hold of him. He is so fearful of seeing the light in an opposing
argument that blinding himself from reality is easier than facing

Ah, so you are a psychoanalyst, too? Amazing!

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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