Nicola Larosa wrote:
>>I've recently discovered Eric3, a development environment dedicated to 
>>and I'm really impressed ! Up to now I'd been using kdevelop for my projects 
>>involving python but I always felt unsatisfied with it.
>>Let me know your thoughts about this nice app !
>>Web page:
> I've been using Eric3 for quite a while now. I tried it years ago, but it
> did only supported .py files in the project, and that was not enough.
> Then I used Leo, not your run-of-the-mill IDE, but a very capable outliner
> meant for literate programming, implemented with Python and Tkinter. It too
> had a few idiosyncrasies, so I tried Eric3 again, that in the meanwhile had
> gotten support for .ptl files. It was enough for me, so I switched.
> Eric3 is a more traditional, quite featureful IDE, and its Python
> implementation is very clean. I was able to fix a couple minor problems,
> and the patches were accepted into the source, much to my rejoicing.
> Recently I resumed using Leo, but for other stuff. For Python programming I
> am sticking to Eric3. I have not gotten around to use its featureful
> support for version control, still using the command line for that, and the
> wonderful Meld for porting between trunk and branches.
> A suggestion: the View menu has two very useful folding commands, "Toggle
> all folds" and "Toggle current fold". They are much more usable with
> keyboard shortcuts, so define them. I use Alt+A and Alt+C.
> A third command would be useful, to open only the first level folds (to
> open all classes but keep the method closed), but it looks like the
> underlying Scintilla editor does not support this. (In Leo you can
> instantly open the outline at one of ten different nesting level.)
If you haven't tried Wing IDE I'd encourage you to take a look. I've 
tried most debugging packages, and Wing is to my mind the most usable.

Further, they have a liberal policy with regard to open source projects, 
making the cost extremely reasonable if you aren't using the software 
for commercial development but do use it to develop and support open 
source works.

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming

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