John Nagle wrote:

   The parser at PyParsing:

..Bad cases...
487 E. Middlefield Rd.  -> streetnumber = 487, streetname = E. MIDDLEFIELD
487 East Middlefield Road -> streetnumber = 487, streetname = EAST MIDDLEFIELD
226 West Wayne Street -> streetnumber = 226, streetname = WEST WAYNE
New Orchard Road -> streetnumber = , streetname = NEW
1 New Orchard Road -> streetnumber = 1 , streetname = NEW
390 Park Avenue -> streetnumber =, streetname = 390

  Here's a system that gets all the above cases right: the USC Deterministic
Address Parser.

This will parse a street address line alone, without a city, state, or ZIP code,
so it's not using a big database.  There's a technical paper

but it doesn't have that much detail.  However, now we know a solution
exists.  I've asked USC if they'll make the code available.

                                        John Nagle

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