On 2005-05-15, M.E.Farmer wrote:

>> No. You claimed
> <quote>
> This will only create a tuple in memory
> </quote>
> That is not what I said please do not edit my words and call it a
> quote!

Again the whole sentence:


| This will only create a tuple in memory that has no name to reference
| it by!

Please check it out. I did only cut the sentence. But that did not
change the sense of the part I quoted. (As I understood it, correct me
if I'm wrong, I'm not a native English speaker).

>> But we just learned that this is not the case.
> Yes it seems I was proven wrong and have learned much from the
> discussion ;) That is why I am here to learn from others and help if
> I can ( sometimes I am just plain wrong and I get the help )

I know that very well. I often learned much from such discussions too.

>> Reduced to this argument I have no objection.
> Glad to hear it.

>> Lisp is far from being ugly ;-)

> Your words not mine.I never said it was ugly.
> Lisp is beautiful but Python isn't Lisp, and the () *are* getting
> overloaded.

Understood and accepted.


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [T. Jefferson]

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