On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:38 AM, joy99 <subhakolkata1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> Dear Vlastimir,
> As pointed out by Alister, I can print the values of function1 and
> function2 with the help of another function3, but my target is to call
> the "add" value of function1 and "mult" value of function2 in a third
> function or the values and parameters of the third function in fourth
> function. While calling, I am looking not only to print, but to use
> them or manipulate them.
> I hope I am bit clear now.

If you need to use the values in another function, you need a way to
let that function get its hands on the values.  Your function1 and
function2 should return the values they compute instead of printing
them out.


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