On 01:42 am, tjre...@udel.edu wrote:
On 5/21/2010 7:22 PM, Zac Burns wrote:
Why can't I inherit from traceback to 'spoof' tracebacks?
Because a) they are, at least in part, an internal implementation
detail of CPython,
But you can just say this about anything, since there is no Python
specification. So it's mostly meaningless.
and b) even if you could, Python would use the builtin original with
Only if it were implemented that way. One could certainly an
implementation with different behavior.
and c) you can probably do anything sensible you want with them by
wrapping them, as in, define a class with a traceback as the main
instance attribute.
Except you can't re-raise them.
Something like this feature has been proposed before. The only objects
that I've ever heard raised are that it's harder to implement on CPython
than anyone is willing to tackle.