On 5/21/10, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote: > On 5/20/2010 10:56 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > A couple of style comments for you to consider. > >> class Craft(): >> def __init__(self, >> name, >> isAircraft=False, >> id=helpers.id(), >> hits=0, >> weapons=[]): > > Not indenting lines after def makes the code harder to read for me, and, > I expect, many others here who use indentation as a cue. If you want one > param per line, give them extra indents if you want. Good point, I had not considered that; Python's relyance on indentation made me think that indenting past the level of the class would cause problems. > >> self.name=name >> self.id=id >> self.hits=hits >> self.weapons=weapons >> self.isAircraft=isAircraft >> #end def >> #end class > > #end markers are fine for private code but are distracting noise to me, > and, I expect, other experienced Python coders. I will try to remember to remove them for posting, but I find them immensely helpful; using a screen reader, and so not being able to look at code and see the indentation, means that I have to have a way to tell myself where things end, much like braces in other languages. When I post here I will try to remove them, but for code I zip and put on my website they have to stay since I rely on them and the zip is just what I am working on at the time, plus there are a lot of those comments to remove from an entire project. > > Terry Jan Reedy > > -- > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list >
-- Have a great day, Alex (msg sent from GMail website) mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list