On 18-May-10 19:27 PM, Tim Chase wrote:
On 05/15/2010 05:34 PM, cjw wrote:
It seems that messages are coming from a number of sources, such as
gmane and google groups.
The problem is that many messages seem to get unlinked from their
I use Thunderbird 3.0.5 and wonder whether the problem lies with the
merge process, the server or my reader.
While others have told you about using gmane or other sources (direct
email, etc), I haven't seen anything fly by regarding the "unlinked from
their threads" portion of your question. Thunderbird 2.0 -> 3.0 changed
the default value for mail.strict_threading from False to True. Pulling
up the config editor (essentially the about:config, buried in the
options->advanced stuff, I think; or perhaps I have the "about:config"
plugin to do that) allows you to toggle this value back to "True". This
setting controls whether threads are defined *only* by the mail header
(strict=True), or whether TB also tries to guess based on the Subject
header (strict=False).
Toggle it (and perhaps restart TB?) and see if that helps rectify the
threading. There are a lot of folks here on c.l.p that use broken
newsreaders that don't correctly set news/threading headers.
Thanks, mine is already set to "true".
Colin W.