a...@pythoncraft.com (Aahz) writes:

> You can't really sell Open Source software in any practical way;
> someone will always undercut you once it's out in the wild. You can
> only sell support for the software, which is entirely different.

Not at all. I've been selling all the software I write for clients for
the past ten years, and it's all free software. It's been very practical
for me and those I've worked with.

You can't sell free software like selling loaves of bread, but that's a
much more limited case and a far cry from your claim. Selling free
software is quite practical and a good way to fund development of
software that otherwise wouldn't be written as free software.

 \     “Why am I an atheist? I ask you: Why is anybody not an atheist? |
  `\      Everyone starts out being an atheist.” —Andy Rooney, _Boston |
_o__)                                                Globe_ 1982-05-30 |
Ben Finney

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