> On 2005-05-14, M.E.Farmer wrote:

> (x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)
> This will only create a tuple in memory that has no name to reference
> it by!

Maybe. But it does not seem to hurt. And I am not sure the tupel _is_
really created in that situation.

> How would you access the returned value?
> If you want a tuple you need to assign all the return vales to a single
> name.

We do not want the tuple.

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Apr 28 2005, 12:14:04)
[GCC 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux,
ssp-, pie-
on linux2
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>>> def foo():
>>> ...     return 1,2,3
>>> ...
>>> (a,b,c)=foo()
>>> print a,b,c
1 2 3


Of course, you can omit the ():

>>> a,b,c=foo()
>>> print a,b,c
1 2 3

That makes no difference.


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [T. Jefferson]

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