Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve this further?
Cheers, Ron_Adam def getobjs(object, dlist=[], lvl=0, maxlevel=1): """ Retrieve a list of sub objects from an object. """ if object not in dlist: dlist.append(object) if lvl<maxlevel: dobj = dir(eval(object)) for item in dobj: try: dlist = getobjs(object+'.'+item, dlist, lvl+1) except: pass return dlist def printdoc(objectlist): """ Return a sorted printable quick reference guide from a list of objects. """ outtext = [] objectlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower())) for obj in objectlist: object = eval(obj) object_type = type(object) outtext.append('-'*40+'\n') outtext.append(str(obj)+'\n') if hasattr(object, '__module__'): outtext.append("Module:"+str(object.__module__)+'\n') if hasattr( object,'__class__'): outtext.append("Class:"+str(object.__class__)+'\n\n') else: outtext.append("Type:"+str(object_type)+'\n\n') if isinstance(object,str): if len(object)>200: s = object[0:200]+"......" else: s = object outtext.append(obj+'=') if '\n' in s: quotes='"""' else: quotes ='"' if len(s)>60: print outtext.append(quotes+s+quotes+'\n\n') elif (isinstance(object,str) or isinstance(object,int) or isinstance(object,bool) or isinstance(object,tuple) or isinstance(object,list) or isinstance(object,dict)): s = str(object) if len(s)<200: outtext.append(obj+'='+s+'\n\n') else: outtext.append(obj+'='+s[0:200]+'......\n\n') if hasattr(object,'__doc__'): if object.__doc__ != type(object).__doc__: outtext.append(str(object.__doc__)+'\n\n') return ''.join(outtext) def quick_ref(name): """ quick_ref(module_name) -> printable string Generate a sorted quick reference guide from an objects doc strings. The module_name is a string with the name of the module or class to get documents string from. Example: import os print quick_ref('os') """ objlist = getobjs(name) return printdoc(objlist) if __name__ == "__main__": #import module before calling in most cases. print quick_ref('__builtins__') --