As Jp asked already: "indepenedent" from what?

I do such things all the time in a wx-App that controls a 6-axes robot. For
example, there I have a LED-Widget for displaying the actual pos. and
orient. of the tool. In a wxTimer handler I read OPC variables, whose values
are displayed in the LED-Widgets (the 6 LED-widgets make up a compound
widget that does the data retreival in a wxTimer handler).  My app is full
of widgets that own a timer to display current values.

As for "independent": If you wrote a GUI app in wx you'll want to display
those values coming from some COM objects. So simply tie a timer to the
widget that should display it and - do it. Or tie it to the frame containing
your widget. It's up to you - plenty of possibilities in wx/Python, and
total freedom (I know what I'm speakin' of, I started that app in VB...).

Kind regards

"Jp Calderone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> On Fri, 13 May 2005 14:57:26 +0800, Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I wrote a GUI program on windows. (python & wxPython)
> >One function is to refresh the data from the COM Object continously.
> >In the beginning, I used the thread.start_new_thread(xxx,())
> >But no matter how i try, it will cause the win32com error.
> >
> >After that, i use the wx.Timer to do the refresh function.
> >It works fine, but i find one problem.
> >I think timer should be independant, just like thread, but wxTimer
> >
> >1. Does python have timer function( not included by thread)?
> >2. About the wxTimer, does any parameter to let it be independent?
> >
>   What does "independent" mean?
>   Jp


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