On 5/11/2010 3:49 PM, kj wrote:

I want implement a function that walks through a directory tree
and performs an analsysis of all the subdirectories found.  The
task has two essential requirements that, AFAICT, make it impossible
to use os.walk for this:

1. I need to be able to prune certain directories from being visited.

2. The analysis on each directory can be performed only after it
    has been performed on all its subdirectories.

Unless I'm missing something, to do (1), os.walk must be run with
topdown=True, whereas to do (2) it must be run with topdown=False.

Is there a work around that I'm missing?

(I was going to say, 'Copy the code from os.py and revise to suit' -- but I see this has been posted since I wrote it ;-)

PS: I never understood why os.walk does not support hooks for key
events during such a tree traversal.

Either 1) it is intentionally simple, with the expectation that people would write there own code for more complicated uses or 2) no one has submitted a 'full-featured' version or 3) both.

If os.walk were rewritten, it should be as an iterator (generator). Directory entry and exit functions could still be added as params.

Terry Jan Reedy


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