j vickroy, 11.05.2010 17:42:
Here are the Hudson job | Configure | Execute shell | Command inputs:

cd level-1
nosetests.exe --with-xunit --xunit-file=nosetests.xml --verbose
import os ; print 'os.getcwd():',os.getcwd(); print

and here is the Hudson Console Output:


Started by user anonymous
Updating svn://vm-svn/GOES data processing/trunk/GOES/13,14,15/SXI/level-1
At revision 3417
no change for svn://vm-svn/GOES data
processing/trunk/GOES/13,14,15/SXI/level-1 since the previous build
[workspace] $ C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe -xe
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\jim.vickroy\.hudson\jobs\GOES 13-15 SXI
Level-1 Products Generation\workspace>[workspace] $ python.exe

This is telling. It doesn't properly execute the cmd.exe shell. Maybe you have to configure the shell setup somehow to make it accept MS's cmd.exe? Note that cmd.exe isn't really what I'd call a "shell", so you may have to put some work into getting it to run your scripts.

You can also try to add a shebang "#!cmd.exe" to the script, it seems like Hudson interprets that by itself. Or execute nosetest from a Python script, just check what the nosetest main script is doing and do the same in a Python script.

Disclaimer: I never used Hudson on MS Windows, and I'm happy I don't have to.



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