Hi, I'm new to python and have been playing around with it for a few days now. So please forgive me if this is a stupid question :)
I've tried writing a little application with pygtk and urllib. When a button is clicked I create a new thread that opens an URL with urllib. The new thread is running but as soon as I call urllib.urlopen("https://someurl", postdata) it blocks. It blocks until I do something in the interface (e.g. click another button). I've obviously missed something here. The interface should not interfere with anything that runs in an other thread!? Here are a few extracts from my code: def send_message(self, widget, data=None): # This is called when the button is clicked ... threading.Thread(target=message.send).start() ... def send(self): # This is executed in its own thread ... postdata = urllib.urlencode(data) # This line is the last one executed resp = urllib.urlopen('https://theurl', postdata) Regards, Dominik. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list