Balzer, I took a look at the zip version of ActiveState's Python.
There's a related thread in on this mailing list where I asked if the zip files are missing the Microsoft VC runtime files required by the Python interpreter. According to Trent from ActiveState, this is indeed the case. I recommend taking a look at this thread and contacting ActiveState to see when they expect to have a fix. You might also try taking a look at Py2exe and building your own Python "run time" (minus Idle). Malcolm ----- Original message ----- From: "balzer" <> To: Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 15:31:32 +0300 Subject: Re: Movable Python or ActivePython "Sridhar Ratnakumar" <> wrote in message On 2010-05-05, at 5:47 AM, balzer wrote: > I want Python pack that can run without being installed, mostly for > testing programs. As I read, Movable Python can run without being > installed. It needs no registry entries and knows the path to all the dlls > (system or otherwise) that it uses. > Whats about ActivePython > Does it requires > installation? The .MSI installer does require installation, but there is also a .ZIP package which doesn't. It is not visible in the downloads page, but you can always get it here: (substitute with latest version) When I just tried the "" on my Win7 x64 machine - by extracting and running python.exe (from INSTALLDIR/) without installing - it just worked. -srid =========== Not works for me. I tried run python script from INSTALLDIR/ - not works for me. Looks, its extremely inconveniet, not user-friendly. There's a vaste quanity of various stuff inside pyhon folders. -- --